Dear Diary,
A new item has appeared on the navigation bar! It takes you to my character directory! Isn't that neat? Now I don't need to store them in a doll house! I still need to add some more characters to the list. Next big step is adding gallery pages for each of them! Wow, this is going to be a lot of work! Also, friend Opiodae made a Neocities today too! I've been helping them find resources for setting up their site!
Dear Diary,
I have finally uploaded pics of the new plushies I've made recently. And a few other small tweaks here and there. Not much really.
Dear Diary,
I know we haven't spoken in a long time. I've been busy with life and stuff. However, I did update the Art Gallery and Con Gallery pages to include new plushies I made and my booth from TFF this year! I hope everyone likes them.
Dear Diary,
FINALLY added art to the art page. Like my drawn art. Crafts were added *checks notes* a month ago...
Dear Diary,
I made some color changes to the entire site. Very fun! I hope people like it. I'll work on font changes later.... Also added a ko-fi donation widget to the home page, and buttons to the art and con galleries. I hope people donate!
Dear Diary,
friend Nstlgiia gave me the fantastic idea of adding my Chicken Smoothie pets to my pages as cute decoration. Now you all get to enjoy these cuties too. Not sorry. :3
Dear Diary,
I finally added some images to the Art Gallery page. Just crochet plushies and some kandi so far. I still need to add more of my crochet work and some of my other digital art as well. The Art Gallery page also has linked sections for easy navigation. I added the same thing to the Con Gallery page bc mews complained it was too much scrolling. XD
Dear Diary,
I finished the Con Gallery page! Five days after I said I would finish it. Oops...
Dear Diary,
Images added to Convention Gallery! 2021 and 2022 so far. Will add 2023 later today probably.
Dear Diary,
I have added pages for an art gallery and a con gallery so people can see what it is I do. I also made a proper banner for the site! I hope people like it.
Dear Diary,
I made some progress on my website today!