Xenon the Sparklefox, Starz the Sparkledog
Hi, I'm Xenon. I'm the host of this geode. Always have been. Everyone else here has split off from me at some point or another. My favorite color is purple.
Snowflake Obsidian
They/them, He/him
Zizz the Zorua
Haiiii I'm ZiZz~ I'm like 16 or some shit XD I'm super fucken emo and RaNdOm lmao TACOZ!!1! I love skelanimals and green day and the used and my favorite colors are RED and BLACK!
Xe: This is Pup, or that's what we'll call it. It doesn't actually have a name really. This is what happens when you get shamed for your kinks so much that a whole personality splits off. It's my headmate that's been around the longest. It's basically just my entire sex drive, and that's I'm not letting it type it's own bio. It's favorite color is yellow. :)
They/them, she/her
working on it
Hi um, I think I might be new? I don't front and I don't talk much. I think I'm like 9. We haven't explored that since we didn't know I was here. I think I explain some uhhh things not lining up. I like bright colors and cute things and neon and I wanna be a raver when I grow up! I love my plushies so much they're my best friends! My favorite color is rainbow, but for simplicity I'll be represented by pink!
Xe: Garnet isn't a full personality and so can't type their own bio. They're an internal mechanism to keep me level. Mostly, they keep control of Malachite. Never fronts, as far as we know.
Xe: Trauma holder. Can front, but it's not pretty when they do. This is who people are dealing with when our traumas cause some kind of system overload and we start breaking down. Do not interact unless Xe has told you how to handle the situation.